¡Estoy en Almería!
On Tuesday morning I left the Madrid MTC and traveled, by train, one of the cool 200 mph trains, to Málaga. When I arrived in Málaga I went on a bus to Fuengirola, which is where the Mission Home and Mission Office are, to meet President and Sister Clegg. We ate lunch and talked a little bit, had an orientation of sorts, and then they told me my first area - Almería. So, I went back to Málaga and caught a bus to Almería, about a 3 1/2 hour bus ride going east along the coast.
Elder Marchello and Elder Hurley picked me up from the bus station at about 10:40 and we walked back to our piso (apartment). My trainer, Elder Adams, didn't arrive until Wednesday night, but that's who my trainer is, Elder Adams. He's from Smithville, Utah and he's the man. He was serving in the Madrid mission but now he is here in the Málaga Mission. All four of us live together at this address:
Av. Peru 18, 4ºB
Almería, 04006 España
It´s awesome. The ward here has a goal to become a stake by 2015 and they do the work with us. There are so many things I wish I could tell but I'll go with the basics for now.
The schedule here is quite different. We arise at 7:30, have breakfast, study and everything until 10:30, then we go out to teach and find people, then usually at about 2:30 we have mediodía or siesta until about 5:30. Nobody is on the streets at this time because it gets hot. Oh, and we don't have air conditioning. But, anyway, yes, we come back and do some more studying and eat lunch, then from 5:30 until about 10:00 or 10:15 we find and teach people, then we go to bed at 11:30. So yes, it's great, and I love being here.
I will tell you more next week about how things are going but for now, I love you all, and I hope you enjoy each and every day. Stay close to the Lord and He will continue to help and support you.
Con amor,
Elder Fagersten
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