Saturday, February 5, 2011

December 31, 2010


It was awesome to talk with the family on Christmas! I loved it and I wish we could have talked longer, but I still appreciate the chance I had. You're all so wonderful.

New Years isn't too different here in Spain. They do have a tradition that at midnight, they eat 12 grapes (one for each month of the year) in hopes of a year of prosperity and plenty, or something like that. It's interesting.

New Years is always a time of renewal, reflection, and resolution. Goals for the new year are always something that people think about, and I hope that we all will think about them, set them, and do our best to complete them. This past year has been quite a special one for me. I received my mission call on February 1st, and began my missionary service on June 16th. It has already been 6 months since I began! The time is going quickly, but I am enjoying it. There are always things to improve, always things to change, always things to learn, but I am grateful for them. I am grateful for the opposition there is because it gives us opportunites to grow. This is another reason why goals are so important. With goals, we have purpose in our lives and we strive to change, and improve, and apply the things that we learn. I am so, so grateful for the Savior, Jesus Christ. His atonement makes it possible for us to leave those things that hold us back, the things that drag us down, the things that stop our growth and slow our progress. We leave those things and apply the principles of the gospel, which bring peace and happiness into our lives. We establish a pattern of living that is in harmony with His will. This invitation is extended to each of us.

I love you all. Thank you so much for helping me. Your love and prayers make a difference in my life.

Elder Fagersten

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